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Wilbur Greene


Wilbur Greene

Sydney-based author, editor, & literary agent. Melbourne Uni alum, ex-HarperCollins & Creative Artists Agency. Now freelance writer & consultant.

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For Members Books & Culture

Exploring the Maze of Meaning: An Introduction to Ergodic Literature

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Mood and Atmosphere: Setting the Tone for Your Story

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Harvard's Book Bound in Human Skin

Paid Post Education

Gripping Narratives: Writing Techniques for True Crime Authors

For Members Education

The Genre Chameleon: How Changing Genres Can Enrich Your Writing

For Members Travel

The Written World: Shibuya - Tokyo, Japan

For Members Travel

The Written World: Shinjuku - Tokyo, Japan

Paid Post Philosophy

Writing as the Bridge Between Consciousness and Immortality

For Members Careers

The Write Path: Playwrights

For Members Society

Gender Roles and Literature: Exploring the Evolution and Impact Over Time

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